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Prayer for Israel During Time of War

Eloheinu V’Elohei Avoteinu, Our God and God of our ancestors.
You know that the Jewish people are one nation with one heart,
and today that heart is broken.
With the grim news of so many of our sisters and brothers in Israel killed, wounded, and kidnapped, we turn to You.
הָרֹפֵא לִשְבוּרֵי לֵב וּמְחַבֵשׁ לְעַצְבוֹתָם:
“O healer of broken hearts, binder of their wounds” (Psalm 147:3)
be with our brothers and sisters who have been taken captive and with the families of the victims.
Watch over the hostages, break their bonds, and bring them out from darkness to light.
“Proclaim release to the captives; liberation to the imprisoned” (Isaiah 61:1)
Comfort the families of all those murdered bring them under the shelter of Your wings.
Bring complete healing of body and spirit to all of the wounded, bind up our wounds and grant us healing.
Tsur Yisrael veGo’alo, Rock and Redeemer of the people Israel,
bless the State of Israel, the initial manifestation of our redemption.
Shield it with Your care; spread over it Your shelter of peace.
Guide its leaders and advisors with Your light and Your truth; grace them with Your good counsel.
Strengthen the hands of those who defend our holy land; crown their efforts with victory.
Bless the land with peace; its inhabitants with lasting joy.
Shomer Yisrael, Guardian of Israel, strengthen and bless the defenders of Israel who stand guard over our land: on the land, in the air, and on the sea.
Deliver their murderers into their hands.
May we see the promise of the Psalmist:
הָפַכְתָ מִסְפְדִי לְמָחוֹל לִי פִתַחְתָ שַקִי וַתְאַזְרֵנִי שִמְחָה:
“You turned my mourning into dancing… my sackcloth into robes of joy” (30:12)
God, protect, preserve, and restore peace and well-being to Israel — your people.